Friday 9 September 2011

The Concept..

Ok everyone new blog here. Old blogger new blog. As much as I love beauty and fashion blogging I feel the need to explore one of my other long time passions: Film. There are so many wonderful films out there that I have never explored. Films have the ability to move people, to make them laugh, cry, to make them angry or frustrated, or full of joy. Film is powerfull and can be extraordinary when handled well and absolutley cringeworthy when handled badly.
But what is the measure of a good film? I suppose the first thing that comes to many peoples mind are The Oscars. Oh The Oscars...I am one of those people who can be found curled up on the couch in a duvet with a big bowl of popcorn glued to the tv screen. But the problem is...every year there are so many oscar nominated films that I havn't seen..Well not anymore..this is the purpose of this here blog...To watch every film (full length and english language) ever nominated for an oscar. Am I crazy? Maybe. But I have a subscription to net-flicks and I'm not afraid to use it. So now I invite anyone and everyone who stumbles upon this little corner of the blogging world. First Film : The Kids are All Right, nominated for the 2011 83rd Academy Awards for Best Actress in a leading role, Best Actor in a supporting role, Best Picture and Best original screenplay. Go it..I dares ya.